We begin our 2024 season with a full program of sacred works for unaccompanied voices by Gibbons, Ludford, Palestrina, Holst and Tchaikovsky and featuring the poignant Lamentations of Jeremiah by Thomas Tallis.
What pieces will the Tudor Choristers perform?
This is the list we are selecting from to bring you waves of musical emotion
Thomas Tallis - O Lord, in Thee Is All My Trust
Orlando Gibbons - Hosanna to the Son of David
Orlando Gibbons - O Lord, in Thy Wrath Rebuke Me Not
Thomas Tallis - Lamentations, first set
Johann Kuhnau - Tristis est anima mea
Thomas Tallis - Lamentations, second set
Gustav Holst - Nunc Dimitis
Charles Villiers Stanford - Beati quorum via
P. I. Tchaikovsky - Cherubic Hymn (No. 2)
Palestrina - Sicut Cervus
Will this be accompanied?
Who will be directing?
Where can we experience this wonderful collection of pieces?
Different locations and times?
What if we can't make those dates?
Call out to experienced Choristers
The Tudor Choristers is holding Open Rehearsals - Wednesdays 31/1 and 7/2 at 7:30 in Auburn
If this repertoire excites you as much as it does us, and you would like to see if our auditioned choir would suit you, please RSVP to these two events and then come along. We will email you a zip file with rehearsal scores so that you can come prepared.
Which voice parts are you seeking?
Like many other Choirs, we would love to gather some more Tenors and Basses; however we are keen to meet all voice parts. There's no harm in coming along and seeing if we are a good fit for each other
What sort of commitment would I be making?
We'd love to have choristers all year and we recognise that doesn't always work out. So we would ask that you commit to a whole concert series at a time (e.g. Sorrow and Solace) as a minimum and the whole year if you can.
What is the fee structure?
We like to keep it really simple...
$300 per annum
$75 per concert series (e.g. Sorrow and Solace)
We are definitely not the most expensive choir to join and whilst we are a registered Not for Profit association, we are also keen to be Not for Loss and may raise the fees a little in future years.
Call out to young Choristers - 18-30
Tudor Choristers has a Choralship scheme aimed at promoting suitably capable younger choristers.
If you or someone you know is likely to be interested, please access more information via the following Choralships page
The Application form is fairly self-explanatory and we also welcome Donations to the scheme to help support it These can be tax deductible, dependent on your personal circumstances.